Fit Tip: Gentle Senior Land Fitness with Yasmin

Yasmin recently upgraded her qualifications with Senior Land Instructor Certification to expand her career horizons. Here is a snippet of her land presentation for gentle senior land fitness. She demonstrates standing and seated gentle total body exercises.

About the Land Senior  Fitness Instructor Certification

Our most popular and must have program for those who teach aging populations. This  comprehensive yet practical approach of facilitating classes for an aging population with a variety of medical conditions reviews safety and efficacy guidelines. Other topics will be reviewed for this specialized populations including: functional and age related problems, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary diseases,  movement disorders, Arthritis, as well as  ideas for programming with common problems of the back, hips, knees, shoulders, neck and ankle problems. This training will focus on  functional exercise sets for helping the aging population maintain their activities of daily living (ADL’s). Techniques for cardiovascular training, muscular endurance and strengthening, flexibility, balance, posture and gait will be reviewed for progressive of benefiting overall health.  Let’s help 60+ adults to become independent and improve activities of daily living with enjoyable exercise.